Implementation of the UTP Directive in the Austrian Fair Competition Conditions Act
The Federal Act on the Improvement of Local Supply and Competition Conditions has been in force since 1 January 2022. Bernhard Kofler-Senoner, Agnes Lackenberger and Benno Siftar summarise the key aspects.
New Guarantees for Foreign Investors
The Law on Investments No. 53-Z dated 12 July 2013 was recently amended by Law No. 149-Z dated 5 January 2022. A number of significant provisions were introduced that serve to protect the legitimate interests of foreign investors.
Sergei Makarchuk outlines the most notable changes.
Draft Regulation on Consumer Debt Collection in Bulgaria
The Bulgarian Government recently proposed a draft law on debt collection in consumer cases, providing a sector-specific regulatory framework for the debt collection market in order to protect the rights of consumer debtors. Boyko Gerginov provides an overview of key aspects.
Digitalisation of the process of establishing capital companies in the Czech Republic
Martina Soukupová gives a brief overview of the new government’s legislative programme concerning the complete digitalization of public administration.
Price Cuts, Discounts, Online Commerce and the Digital Economy
The European Commission’s interpretation of the UCP Directive was published in the form of a Notice on 17 December 2021. Márton Kocsis and Tamás Polauf summarise the findings.
Romania – Digital nomad visa introduced
Romania joins the list of European countries that have launched a digital nomad visa, allowing eligible individuals from outside the EU/EEA to work in jobs independent of location and time in Romania. Mirela Nathanzon summarises the key aspects.
Government has passed a draft law on the Protection of Whistleblowers of Anti-Social Activity to the Interministerial Commenting Procedure
Jozef Bannert gives a brief overview of the most significant changes to Act No. 54/2019 Coll. on the Protection of Whistleblowers of Anti-Social Activity.
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