After the three years term, the position of the Managing Partner at CHSH has rotated as of January 2010. Edith Hlawati and Irene Welser have jointly taken over the management at CHSH.
The management of CHSH has rotated as scheduled as of January 2010: Albert Birkner has stepped down from his role as Managing Partner after three years and Edith Hlawati and Irene Welser, both of whom are members of CHSH’s Verwaltungsrat, have jointly taken over the operational management of the firm.
Irene Welser, Honorary Professor of Civil and Commercial Law at the Faculty of Economic Sciences at the University of Vienna, is Head of the Contentious Business Department at CHSH. Her main focus is on commercial litigation and arbitration. The renowned company law expert underscores the importance of a comprehensive approach: “The needs of our clients are changing. During challenging times, companies need comprehensive legal advice.”
CHSH’s strength as a full service firm
“Based on our organisational structure of specialist departments combined with our competence for all-in-one solutions, CHSH is very well-positioned”, says Edith Hlawati, leading Austrian Capital Markets expert and Head of the Banking & Corporate Finance Department at CHSH. Hlawati considers the continued expansion of this particular strength as a central goal of her next period as Managing Partner. “A good corporate law firm operates and acts as a whole. It combines entrepreneurial thinking with legal know-how – not the other way round.”