CHSH contributions in the new “Handbook for the Supervisory Board”

Dr. Edith Hlawati, Managing Partner at CHSH, and Claudia Schmidt, attorney at CHSH, contributed a chapter entitled “Besonderheiten des Aufsichtsrats in der börsenotierten Gesellschaft” (Characteristics of the Supervisory Board of a Listed Company) to “Handbuch für den Aufsichtsrat”

Dr. Edith Hlawati, Managing Partner at CHSH, and Claudia Schmidt, attorney at CHSH, contributed a chapter entitled “<link fileadmin docs publications hlawati eh_aufsichtsrat_29.pdf>Besonderheiten des Aufsichtsrats in der börsenotierten Gesellschaft” (Characteristics of the Supervisory Board of a Listed Company) to “Handbuch für den Aufsichtsrat” (Handbook for the Supervisory Board), published by Susanne Kalss and Peter Kunz. Dr. Maria Doralt, attorney at CHSH, examines the supervisory board selection process in her chapter entitled “Die Wahl des Aufsichtsrates”. A total of thirty-seven experts, drawn from both academia and industry, describe the current legal position and discuss practical questions concerning the supervisory board. The book provides a profound and practice-oriented analysis.