Dr. Christian Thaler
Dr. Christian Thaler, business law graduate and attorney at CHSH, was awarded first prize by the IVA (the Austrian Investors' Association) in cooperation with the Aktienforum (the body representing the interests of listed Austrian companies) for his dissertationentitled "Sanktionen bei Marktmissbrauch – Marktmanipulation, Insiderhandel und Ad-hoc-Publizität", which examines the sanctions that can be imposed in cases of market manipulation, insider dealing and ad hoc publicity.
The prize is awarded for the best dissertation written on the subjects of investor protection, corporate governance and capital markets.
Dr. Thaler's dissertation systematically presents all of the sanctions that can be imposed under public law in the case of market abuse. The current system in Austria for imposing sanctions and the European foundation upon which it is based are subjected to a critical assessment. Thaler also explains the effects the new "tough" European sanctions are having on Austria. The dissertation can therefore serve as the basis for future legislative reforms. It will be published by MANZ at the beginning of March.
The prizewinner is an attorney at CHSH Cerha Hempel Spiegelfeld Hlawati in Vienna who specialises in advising corporate clients and in (cross-border) M&A transactions and capital markets law. Furthermore, he often advises clients on issues such as restructurings, reorganisations, takeovers and questions relating to compliance.