f.l.t.r.: Clemens Hasenauer, Albert Birkner
After a three year term, two new Managing Partners have been elected at CHSH. Albert Birkner and Clemens Hasenauer have jointly taken up the management role at CHSH with effect from January 2013.
As planned, the Management of CHSH has changed as of January 2013. After completing a three year term, Edith Hlawati and Irene Welser have stepped down from their roles as Managing Partners. Both Welser and Hlawati will continue as members of the Management Board (Verwaltungsrat). The firm's new Managing Partners are Albert Birkner and Clemens Hasenauer, both of whom have been partners at CHSH since 2004.
Managing Partners as of 2013: Clemens Hasenauer, Albert Birkner
Clemens Hasenauer (42) and Albert Birkner (43) both specialise in transactions. Commenting on his new position, Albert Birkner said he sees a demand for corporate law firms, especially as the economic environment remains volatile: "In future, we will continue to be geared solely towards our clients. Only by understanding their businesses and markets can we develop good legal and economic solutions." Clemens Hasenauer stresses: "The strategic orientation of a corporate law firm is of particular importance, especially in economically challenging times. CHSH will continue to focus on providing top quality advice and creative solutions as the basis for our client's commercially successful projects."