- Co-authorship to the Commentary on The Securities Supervision Act, 1998 (with Frölichsthal, Hausmaninger, Oppitz and Zeipelt)
- The European Legal Framework Concerning the Drafting of Banking Contracts, 1996, 283 pages (Part 3/1 of the series: Österreichisches und europäisches Wirtschaftsprivatrecht (Ed. Koppensteiner)
- The Hierarchy of Regulations under Austrian Law, VWGÖ 1989, (3), VIII, 270 pages
Contributions to various volumes:
- Commentary on The Austrian Banking Limited Liability Company (Bank-GmbH), in Foglar-Deinhardstein/Aburumieh/Hoffenscher-Summmer (Eds.), (Commentary on)The Act on Limited Liability Companies, 2nd edition (2024)
- Commentary on Articles 111-117 MiCAR in Ficulovic/Knobl/Kreisl/Maitz/Pfurtscheller/Pracht/Raschauer/Silbernagl/Stern/Wessely/Wolfbauer, Commentary on the MiCAR - Markets in Crypto-Assets Regulation (2024)
- Commentary on Section 86a BaSAG in Kammel/Schütz (Ed.), BaSAG-Commentary on the (Austrian) Bank Recovery and Resolution Act (2024).
- Commentary on Sections 60 through 63b Banking Act (bank auditors and auditing of banks’ financial statements) in Laurer/M.Schütz/Kammel/Ratka, Banking Act – Commentary on the Banking Act and the Capital Requirements Regulation (2021), 4th edition
- Commentary on Arts 12, 13 and 15 Market Abuse Regulation, in: Gruber (Ed.), Kommentar zum BörseG 2018 und zur MAR (Manz, Nov. 2020)
- Commentary on Sections 60 through 63b Banking Act (bank auditors and auditing of banks’ financial statements) in Laurer/M.Schütz/Kammel/Ratka, Banking Act – Commentary on the Banking Act and the Capital Requirements Regulation (2017), 4th edition.
- Banking and financial market regulatory compliance, in Kofler-Senoner (Ed), Compliance Management for Companies (2016) 290-353.
- The Implementation of the EU Transparency Directive in Austria, The European Lawyer (December 2006/January 2007)
- A Review of the Austrian Securitization Framework from a Legal Perspective, Global Securitisation Review (2006/07)
- The Implementation of the Prospectus Directive in Austria, European Single Financial Market (2005/2006)
- Prospectus Directive Implementation Explained, Austria, IFLR (July 2005)
- Werbebeschränkungen für Anbieter von Finanzdienstleistungen (innerhalb wie außerhalb des Fernabsatzes), in Fletzberger/Schopper (Hrsg), Fernabsatz von Finanzdienstleistungen (2004), 120-162
- Legal Questions Relating to Online-Broking, in: Graf/Gruber (Ed.), Legal Questions Relating to Internet Banking (2002), pp 140-193
- Reverse Discrimination Seen from a Constitutional Law's Perspective, in: Griller/Korinek/Potacs (Ed.), Grundfragen und aktuelle Probleme des öffentlichen Rechts (FS Rill, 1995), pp 293-334
- Investment Services and Stock Exchange Business under EC-Law, (with Oppitz), in: Griller (Ed.), Banken im Binnenmarkt (1992), 90 pages
- European Banking Law, in: Griller (Ed.), Banken im Binnenmarkt (1992), 452 pages
- Case Note on Supreme Court judgement 10 Ob 23/23i: Liability for misstatements in prospectuses relating to real estate investments – legal boundaries for the prospectus controller’s due diligence, ZFR 2024, 322
- Banking regulation in Austria: Overview (2024), Overview, Practical Law Country Q&A (Thomson Reuters)
- Banking regulation in Austria: overview (1 Dect 2022), Practical Law Banking Regulation Global Guide (Thomson Reuters)
- Banking regulation in Austria: overview (1 Oct 2021), Practical Law Banking Regulation Global Guide (Thomson Reuters)
- Banking regulation in Austria: overview (1 Oct 2020), Practical Law Banking Regulation Global Guide (Thomson Reuters)
- Die Schaffung und Übertragung von Wertrechten via Blockchain-Technologie (with Mag. Shivam Subhash) , Wirtschaftsrechtliche Blätter 33, 612–620 (2019)
- WAG 2018 – Zur Vor-Ort-Verfügbarkeit qualifizierter Berater, ÖBA 11/19, 01-10.
- "Austria", Bösch, Banking Regulation4 (2019) - A Global Guide From Practical Law (Thomson Reuters)
- „The Rules of Conduct pursuant to the Austrian Securities Supervision Act 2018 – Systematic Overview based on the Requirements of MiFID II", ÖBA 2018, pp 460-478.
- „Significance and Background to the Rules of Conduct enshrined under Union Law as enacted by the Austrian Securities Supervision Act 2018", ÖBA 2018, pp 410-416.
- „Banking regulation in Austria: overview", Practical Law, Global Guide, 2017
- "Ein Regelwirrwarr für alternative Investmentfonds", Der Standard, 02.06.2014
- Case Note on Supreme Administrative Court judgement relating to trade-based market manipulation by a market maker, no 2011/17/0235 dated 26 May 2014, ZFR 2014, 327.
- Banking Regulation – Austria, in Bösch (ed), Banking Regulation (2014) pp 25-45
- Custodian banking business without limit requiring a banking licence? ÖBA 2013, pp 110 ff.
- Duties of disclosure and responsibility for agents' acts and omissions in challenging contracts for error where securities brokers acting more closely to the customer are involved - how to construe § 27 (Austrian) Securities Supervision Act 2007 (with Mag Gasser), ÖBA 2012, pp 352.
- "Haften Banken für Fehler von Anlageberatern ?" Wirtschaftsblatt, 20.5.2010
- Haftung einer Bank für allfälliges Fehlverhalten von externen Anlageberatern oder Vermittlern (with Mag. Katharina Grafenhofer), GesRZ 2010, 27 ff
- Entscheidungsbesprechung (with MMag. Georg Janovsky) zu OGH 6Ob 110/07f, ZFR 2008/33.
- Bank Regulation, A year in review, Austrian Chapter, IFLR Global Report 2007
- Austrian Securities Supervision Law on the Verge of MiFID Implementation, Structured Finance and Securitisation Lawyers 2007 (January 2007)
- Current Legal Questions of Applying the Austrian Securities Supervision Act in Practice, ÖBA 2001, pp 29 ff (with Hysek)
- The Future legal Framework Governing the issue of Electronic money, ecolex 1999, pp 244 ff
- The Scope of Instructions to Investigate Transactions Concluded on a Stock exchange (Section 25a of the Austrian Stock Exchange Act), ecolex 1998, pp 804 ff
- Who is Responsible for the Supervision of Stock Exchange Trading? ecolex 1998, pp 797 ff
- Which Level of Investment Advice is Suitable for the Austrian Investment Services' Customer? ÖBA 1997, pp 783 ff
- The Conduct of Business Rules Embodied in Sections 11 through 18 of the Austrian Act on the Supervision of Trading in Securities, ÖBA 1997, pp 3-20 and pp 125-138
- A Milestone in European Banking and Investment Services Law as well as in the Scope of the Freedom to Provide Services in the EU, Maastricht Journal of European and Comparative Law 1995, pp 306-314
- Conduct of Business Rules and Investment Advice, ÖBA 1995, pp 741-754
- A Milestone in European Banking and Investment Services Law as well as in the Scope of the Freedom to Provide Services in the EU, WBl 1995, pp 309-314
- The EC-Directive on Consumer Credits, ÖBA 1995, pp 667-679
- Investor Protection in the UCITS-directives and in the Austrian Investment Fund Company Act, ÖBA 1993, pp 701-714
- GATT Application: The Grandfather is Still Alive - Recent Panel Recognitions and Amendment Intentions, Journal of World Trade 1991, pp 101-116
- Annotation re. Constitutional Court Judgment no. B933/88 of March 1, 1990, JBl 1991, pp 36-40
- Austrian Importation Quotas seen from a Constitutional and Administrative Law's Perspective, ZfV 1990, pp 565-578
- Traffic Limitations in Parking-Meter Zones, ZVR 1990, pp 193-209
- Report on a Seminar Concerning the Austrian Law of Business Administration and EC-Law, ZfV 1988, pp 595 ff