Novel foods may only be placed on the market if they are authorised by the European Commission and registered in a Union list. A special notification procedure applies to such foods that have a history of safe food use in a third country ("traditional food from a third country").
The pulp of the cacao tree (Theobroma cacao) also contains a layer of white fruit pulp, in addition to beans. A British food business operator notified the European Commission of its intention to place this pulp as a traditional food from Brazil on the Union market; the pulp is intended for sale as an end product to consumers and as an ingredient in juices, fruit preparations etc. In its opinion published on 10 October 2019, the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) did not raise any objections in relation to the safety of the food. Unless Member States raise any safety concerns, the Commission has to issue authorisation enabling the traditional food to be placed on the market and update the Union list accordingly.