Presentation of the Practitioners’ Commentary on the Austrian Stock Corporation Act
On Monday, June 27, 2022, the Practitioners’ Commentary on the Austrian Stock Corporation Act (LexisNexis), co-published by Dr. Elke Napokoj LL.M., Mag. Heinrich Foglar-Deinhardstein LL.M. and Dr. Michaela Pelinka LL.M., was presented at a festive authors’ get-together. A large number of guests accepted the invitation to the celebration. The evening was opened with a festive speech by Univ.Prof. Dr. Georg Eckert (WU Vienna).
Among the guests were OStA Dr. Matthias Potyka LL.M. (Ministry of Justice), Univ. Prof. Dr. Martin Spitzer (WU Vienna) and Assoz. Univ. Prof. Dr. Sebastian Bergmann (JKU Linz). Written by practitioners for practitioners, the new commentary on the Stock Corporation Act is a perfect companion for lawyers through their everyday work in corporate law.
The following CERHA HEMPEL lawyers have contributed to the practitioners’ commentary as co-authors: partners Heinrich Foglar-Deinhardstein LL.M. and Dr. Volker Glas LL.M., senior counsel Dr. Wolfgang Sindelar and counsels Jakob Hartig LL.M. and Christoph Reiter.
Heinrich Foglar-Deinhardstein is the first in Austria who has published both a commentary on the GmbH Act and a commentary on the Stock Corporation Act.
More information can be found here.