Immundiagnostik AG, a German laboratory diagnostics company with its headquarters in Bensheim, has acquired Austrian start-up Kiweno.
The transaction, which closed in June 2019, was implemented as an asset deal. The new KIWENO GmbH, which is wholly-owned by Immundiagnostik, acquired the entire laboratory diagnostics business of the Austrian start-up. Kiweno will continue operating from its current site in Tyrol.
Immundiagnostik AG specialises in the development and production of innovative parameter and detection methods for laboratory diagnostics and medical research. Its focus lies on developing immunological detection methods.
The legal team for the transaction was led by German attorney Dr. Barbara von Horstig, partner at Hemmelrath Partnerschaftsgesellschaft mbB Rechtsanwälte Wirtschaftsprüfer Steuerberater, Frankfurt am Main and Munich. CHSH Cerha Hempel Spiegelfeld Hlawati Rechtsanwälte GmbH advised on all matters relating to Austrian law.
The team at CHSH consisted of partners Mag. Heinrich Foglar-Deinhardstein (as lead partner, company law), Dr. Thomas Zivny (medical law) and Mag. Mark Krenn (IP/IT), attorneys Mag. Christopher Peitsch (employment law), Dr. Katharina Majchrzak (IP/IT), Dr. Franziska Paefgen (data protection) and Mag. Jakob Hartig (company law), as well as associates Mag. Katharina Wilding (medical law) and Mag. Rea Psorn (company law).