CHSH attorneys Mag. Christopher Peitsch and Dr. Armin Schwabl, LL.M. are the authors of a new handbook on wage dumping, which has recently been published by Linde.
The book provides a comprehensive description of what constitutes wage dumping and examines in particular the concept of relevant remuneration. Questions relating to punishability, limitation periods, the subsequent loss of criminal liability as a result of "active repentance" or the appointment of a responsible representative are also answered in full.
The main focus of the handbook is on explaining the various effects that the prohibition on wage dumping has on other areas of employment law. Even minor mistakes regarding lump-sum remuneration, working time models, the treatment of senior executives or the application of collective agreements can result in significant fines being imposed on those employers which really do their utmost to avoid such pitfalls. Christopher Peitsch: "Day to day practice has shown that the prohibition on wage dumping has frequently caused problems in unexpected areas. The fines can be enormous. This handbook aims to help HR departments avoid these mistakes and put right any mistakes as best and as soon as possible and thus avoid being penalised."
More information can be found here.