CHSH launches the newly released handbook on "Actions for Damages under Competition Law", followed by a panel discussion.

On Wednesday 11 April 2018, Dr. Tamás Polauf – Co-Managing Partner at CHSH Bu-dapest and editor of the recently published Actions for Damages under Competition Law – A Handbook for Legal Practice – invited guests in collaboration with Wolters Kluwer to attend the book launch and panel discussion at the Pázmány Péter Catholic University in Budapest.


On Wednesday 11 April 2018, Dr. Tamás Polauf – Co-Managing Partner at CHSH Budapest and editor of the recently published Actions for Damages under Competition Law – A Handbook for Legal Practice – invited guests in collaboration with Wolters Kluwer to attend the book launch and panel discussion at the Pázmány Péter Catholic University in Budapest. Almost 70 national and international experts attended the event. The presentation took place against the backdrop of a competition law conference.

The prestigious event got under way with the presentation of the handbook by Dr. Polauf. Following the presentation, the Vice President of the Hungarian Competition Law Association – Dr. Gábor Fejes – and the Director of the Competition Law Research Centre at the Faculty of Law and Political Science of the Pázmány Péter Catholic University – university lecturer Dr. Pál Szilágyi – gave a speech in which they commended the book and welcomed its publication.

A panel featuring international guests moderated by Dr. András Osztovics (judge on Hungary’s Supreme Court) discussed the practice of enforcing claims for damages in England, the Netherlands, Austria and Hungary. The panellists included Bernhard Kofler-Senoner (Partner and Head of the Antitrust Practice Group at CHSH Vienna), Wieke van Eekhout (Van Doorne, Amsterdam) and Jason Woodland (Partner at Peters & Peters in London).

The attendance of leading representatives of competition authorities, economists and members of the judiciary at the conference also demonstrated that the subject is of great importance to competition law practitioners. The attendees included: Dr. András Tóth (Vice President of the Hungarian Antitrust Authority), Simone Kohnz (E.CA Economics, Berlin), Dr. Mónika Csöndes PhD (Assistant Professor and Senior Adviser to the Hungarian Supreme Court), Dr. Dániel Gelencsér (Lecturer at the Faculty of Law and Political Science of the Pázmány Péter Catholic University and Senior Adviser to the Hungarian Supreme Court) as well as Dr. András Fenyőházi and Dr. Márton Kocsis, attorneys at CHSH.

Handbook on Actions for Damages under Competition Law

The handbook examines the subject of private legal claims – in particular damage claims – that can arise in the event of infringements of competition law and it discusses the key issues and offers practical guidelines concerning the enforcement of claims. The book is aimed at a wide expert audience of practitioners (judges, attorneys, experts and parties to a dispute).

CHSH places a strong emphasis on actions for damages under competition law – a subject that is becoming more and more important in practice – not only in Austria but also in CEE and is at the forefront of legal developments, as can be seen from the publication of the handbook in Hungary.