CHSH holds CEE Update event on the subject of "Directors' liability"

The event entitled "Directors' liability in CEE – How you can avoid typical pitfalls", held on Thursday 21 June 2012 in the conference rooms of CHSH Cerha Hempel Spiegelfeld Hlawati, attracted a large number of participants interested in staying abreast of the latest developments.

f.l.t.r.: Heinrich Foglar-Deinhardstein, Wilhelm Stettner, Johannes Aehrenthal, Karol Šiška, Benoît Taymans, Nikola Janković


During the event, current developments, pitfalls and options for minimising the liability risks to which directors in Austria, Hungary, Serbia and Slovakia are exposed were discussed. Invitations were sent out by CHSH together with ACC (Association of Corporate Counsel) Europe.

Numerous participants from leading Austrian and international companies learned first-hand about the experiences of the experts at CHSH and their assessments. The subject was discussed at length by attorneys Mag. Heinrich Foglar-Deinhardstein (CHSH Vienna), Mag. Nikola Janković (JPM Janković, Popović, Mitić, Belgrade), Dr. Wilhelm Stettner (CHSH Dezső, Budapest) and Dr. Karol Šiška (CHSH Šiška & Partners, Bratislava) during a podium discussion moderated by Dr. Johannes Aehrenthal (CEE Partner at CHSH). Participants showed particular interest in learning about the ways in which a director can be released from liability and also in the duties of a director during a company crisis.

The number of high-profile participants who attended the event demonstrates the business community's interest in wanting to stay up to date regarding the subject of directors' liability. Johannes Aehrenthal concluded: "Although all countries represented here with the exception of Serbia are members of the European Union, the liability regimes for directors are very different. It's therefore recommended that businesses keep themselves informed of developments to avoid any unpleasant liability-related surprises."