CHSH Cerha Hempel Spiegelfeld Hlawati has provided comprehensive legal advice to the Cascade Group in connection with the acquisition of a minority share of 40% in an Austrian joint venture company managing all activities developed by INALCA S.p.A. (Cremonini Group) in Russia. INALCA S.p.A. (Cremonini Group) and the Cascade Group have signed and now closed, in view of the merger clearance in Russia and a capital increase effected in the Austrian joint venture company, such strategic partnership.
The new joint venture company holds and manages all participations developed by INALCA S.p.A. (Cremonini Group) in Russia and is 60% owned by INALCA S.p.A. (Cremonini Group), and 40% owned by Cascade Group. The common aim is to foster the joint development of food distribution and meat production of activities in the Eurasian markets.
The investment of the Cascade Group amounts to EUR 60 million, corresponding to an equity value of over EUR 150 million of the joint venture company and its food distribution and meat production activities in Russia.
The team at CHSH was led by Dr. Thomas Trettnak (Partner, Corporate/M&A), and also consisted of Heinrich Foglar-Deinhardstein (Partner, Corporate/M&A), Stephanie Heimel and Eva-Maria Abpurg (both Associates) as well Michaela Krist (Senior Paralegal).