In the new edition of the well-established commentary, the authors comment for the first time on the entire body of European and Austrian law relating to the prospectus obligation.
New framework conditions in Austrian capital market law have been created by the entry-into-force of the EU Prospectus Regulation (Regulation (EU) 2017/1129) and the subsequent revision of the Austrian Capital Markets Act 2019.
Whereas the EU Prospectus Regulation governs all aspects of the public offering of securities and provides exemptions from the obligation to publish a prospectus, the Austrian Capital Markets Act 2019 establishes a prospectus obligation in the case of investments, sets out how individual aspects of the EU Prospectus Regulation are to be applied in Austria, and also covers issues such as prospectus liability, withdrawal rights and notification requirements.
The commentary examines practical questions relevant to the interpretation of the law, formal requirements and structuring options, as well as detailed questions on structuring the prospectus and liability.
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