On Monday 17 February 2020, CERHA HEMPEL and Verlag Österreich invited guests to the launch of "Verdeckte Gewinnausschüttung" (Covert Distribution of Profits), a new handbook edited by CERHA HEMPEL partner Mag. Heinrich Foglar-Deinhardstein, LL.M. Numerous guests attended the event held in the conference rooms of CERHA HEMPEL.
The evening got under way with a presentation of the handbook by editor Mag. Heinrich Foglar-Deinhardstein,LL.M, who also introduced co-authors Dr. Benjamin Twardosz, LL.M., MMag. Johannes Prinz and Dr. Stefan Huber, LL.M. Afterwards, Univ. Prof. Dr. Klaus Hirschler (Vienna University of Economics and Business) gave a presentation in which he discussed "Current issues concerning the covert distribution of profits". CERHA HEMPEL attorney Univ. Prof. DDr. Peter Lewisch then discussed "Issues in criminal law concerning the repayment of contributions". Lastly, Univ. Prof. Dr. Alexander Schopper (University of Innsbruck) gave a lecture on "Remediating infringements of the prohibition on the repayment of contributions".
Handbook on the Covert Distribution of Profits
The handbook illustrates the complex issues surrounding the covert distribution of profits. The difference between "Mine and Yours" is brought into focus for limited liability companies and stock corporations when it concerns the question of how profits should be correctly determined and transferred from the company to its partners/shareholders in conformity with the law. This handbook provides clarity on what it is a complex field of law: It provides a profound and practical overview of the covert distribution of profits under company, tax and criminal law.
More information on the handbook can be found here.