Simplified formation of Austrian limited liability companies
Thomas Zivny and Katharina Wilding analyse a new provision in the Austrian Limited Liability Companies Act, which aims to simplify the procedure for the formation of limited liability companies.
IT Revolution
Sergei Makarchuk highlights the key aspects of a decree recently introduced that is expected to boost the development of the Belarusian IT sector.
Transposition of the EU Damages Directive
Boyko Gerginov summarizes a newly introduced chapter to the Bulgarian Protection of Competition Act which aims to remove the main obstacles to compensation for victims of infringements of antitrust law.
New Payment System Act
Eva Ruhswurmová and Barbora Kábrtová discuss the recent adoption of the new Payment System Act that aims to facilitate and accelerate payments without compromising security.
Stricter Rules for Court Procedures
Károly Zaicsek gives a short overview on a bevy of new rules that took effect at the beginning of the year particularly with respect to regulatory and court proceedings.
Mirela Nathanzon and Anda Nicoara give an update with regard to the implementation of the EU General Data Protection Regulation in Romania.
The General Data Protection Regulation vs. Slovak Act on Protection of Personal Data
Ludmila Dohnalova analyses the implementation of the General Data Protection Regulation in Slovakia.
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