
Austrian Yearbook on International Arbitration 2019

The "Austrian Yearbook on International Arbitration 2019" was presented at Vienna Arbitration Days 2019, held at Palais Niederösterreich between 1 and 2 March.


The "Austrian Yearbook on International Arbitration 2019" was presented at Vienna Arbitration Days 2019, held at Palais Niederösterreich between 1 and 2 March.

CHSH partner Hon.-Prof. Dr. Irene Welser is co-author of the book. Dr. Welser co-wrote an article on the "Private Enforcement of Cartel Infringements before Arbitral Tribunals" with CHSH partner Dr. Anna Wolf-Posch.

Further, Dr. Bernhard Wychera (Counsel) and Winslow Mimnagh, LL.M. (legal associate) contributed an article on "The Nature of State Consent Expressed in BITs".

Our heartfelt congratulations to our authors on demonstrating their arbitration expertise!

The book is available as of now from Manz Verlag:…