09 March 2022Online

Webinars on "Russia Sanctions" and "Upcoming EU Supply Chain Directive"

CERHA HEMPEL Partner Dr. Anna Wolf-Posch, Dr. Stefan Huber and Mag. Lorenz Pracht gave a webinars on "Russia Sanctions" and "Upcoming EU Supply Chain Directive".

We cordially invite you to the following WEBINARS:

1. Sanctions against Russia
on 9.3.2022, 13:00-13:45

Due to the situation in Ukraine, in addition to the restrictions already in place, far-reaching sanctions are being taken against Russia, Russian individuals and companies. In our webinar, we will provide an overview of the sanctions and the measures to be taken by companies and their legal departments to ensure compliance.

2. EU Supply Chain Directive
on 9.3.2022, 14:30-15:15

The EU Commission intends to introduce a directive on the regulation of supply chains. The proposed directive goes beyond the already existing, national rules and provides, among other things, for obliging companies to monitor their supply chains with regard to environmental, climate or human rights violations. Our webinar will provide an overview of the planned rules and the measures to be taken by companies and their legal departments to ensure compliance.

The maximum nubmer of participants is limited to 200 persons, we therefore ask for registration no later than 7.3.2022 by email to: ramona.schulz(at)cerhahempel.com. We would ask participants to clarify in the registration which seminar they are interested in.

All registered participants will receive a link on 8.3.2022 that will allow them to participate in the respective webinar via any browser. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us during and after the webinars.