17 April 2024Vienna

Legal Perspectives -"Supply Chain Regulation – Navigating the Challenges"

On 17 April 2024, the next CERHA HEMPEL event on the topic "Supply Chain Regulation - Navigating the Challenges" will take place as part of our Legal Perspectives series.

On 17 April 2024, the next CERHA HEMPEL event on the topic "Supply Chain Regulation - Navigating the Challenges" will take place as part of our Legal Perspectives series.

In addition to CERHA HEMPEL partners Anna Wolf-Posch and Armin Schwabl, we are pleased to welcome Rudolf Pichler, Managing Director Bureau Veritas Austria, Sarah Gebhart, Project Coordinator ESG Audits Bureau, Veritas Austria and Ricarda Maier, Global Sustainable Procurement, RHI Magnesita as guest speakers.