02/03 December 2019Prague

GCM Parker Anti-Trust & Competition Compliance in CEE conference

On 2 and 3 December 2019, CERHA HEMPEL sponsored the GCM Parker Anti-Trust & Competition Compliance in CEE conference in Prague.

On 2 and 3 December 2019, CERHA HEMPEL sponsored the GCM Parker Anti-Trust & Competition Compliance in CEE conference in Prague, a unique opportunity bringing together antitrust, competition and compliance experts from Austria and CEE, with the active involvement of our lawyers:

Bernhard Kofler-Senoner (Partner and Head of CERHA HEMPEL’s Competition Practice Group), panel discussion: “Antitrust risks and Big Data”.

Anna Wolf-Posch (CERHA HEMPEL Competition Partner), presentation on “Merger Control Proceedings in the EU: Best Practices”.

Our CEE Competition team colleagues Boyko Gerginov, David Kučera and Gergely Barabas participated in a panel discussion moderated by Anna Wolf-Posch on “Competition Law Compliance in CEE”.

For further details regarding the conference please click HERE