
ODDO BHF is an independent European financial group operating in the areas of private wealth management, asset management, and corporates and markets. Through the ODDO BHF Equities platform, it offers banks and asset managers a research and brokerage tool with an outstanding market position in relation to equities from issuers in the Benelux countries, France, Germany and Spain.


Together with the Faculty of Law of the Sigmund Freud Private University in Vienna, CERHA HEMPEL is for the first time organizing a law clinic on the Freedom of Information Act for Austrian municipalities, scheduled to be held in the 2024/25 academic year. 


For the sixteenth consecutive year, CERHA HEMPEL – in cooperation with the business law programme at the Vienna University of Economics and Business (WU Wien) – has awarded prizes to those students who have written the best dissertations on the subjects of law and commercial law. 


CERHA HEMPEL advises Scottish Equity Partners (SEP), a leading European growth investor, on its strategic investment in Springtime Technologies, a Vienna-based provider of AI-driven loan accounting automation software. This transaction, structured as a share sale with a roll-over component, will support Springtime in accelerating its product innovation and global market expansion.


Keep up to date with the latest legal developments in Austria, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Romania and Slovenia with our CEE newsletter.


Founded in 2022, the care platform HeldYn ( has secured another six-figure financing package and is continuing its expansion in Austria. HeldYn specializes in providing bespoke care and support services. The company offers professional support in the areas of nursing, care, physiotherapy and occupational therapy.


Together with attorneys Dr. Elke Maria Napokoj LL.M. (bpv Hügel) and Dr. Michaela Pelinka LL.M., CERHA HEMPEL partner Dr. Benjamin Twardosz, LL.M. and counsel Dr. Christoph Schimmer are the editors of a new handbook on limited liability companies, published by Linde Verlag.


Keep up to date with the latest legal developments in Austria, Bulgaria, Hungary, Romania and Slovenia with our CEE newsletter.


On 23 October 2024, CERHA HEMPEL staged the "Big Deal" event. As part of the "Big Deal" workshop, fifteen high potentials simulated an M&A transaction and received valuable practical tips and advice.


RuSt 2024 closed successfully and everyone is looking forward to an exciting RuSt 2025. The closing session highlighted the current topic of "The foundation as core shareholder". Moderated by CERHA HEMPEL Managing Partner Clemens Hasenauer, Susanne Kalss (WU-Wien), Georg Kapsch (Kapsch AG), Christoph Matznetter (Economic spokesman of the SPÖ), Georg Riedl (Frotz Riedl RA) and Nobert Zimmermann…