The European Commission is preparing an "Omnibus Simplification Package" to address widespread concerns about the regulatory burden on businesses under the EU’s sustainability framework. Announced by Commission President Ursula von der Leyen in November 2024, this initiative seeks to reduce redundancies and stream-line reporting requirements and due dili-gence obligations.
On 15 January 2025, the European Commission issued Recommendation (EU) 2025/63. This comprehensive frame-work introduces measures for systemati-cally reviewing outbound investments in technologies critical to the EU’s strategic interests. It addresses concerns about the security of critical infrastructure, technolo-gy leakage and economic dependencies in a context of heightened geopolitical ten-sions and rapid technological shifts.
This is a brief summary of the main points of the latest draft amendment to the Hungarian Competition Act1, which has attracted much interest and press coverage and which, if adopted, would significantly increase the powers and means of intervention of the Hungarian Competition Authority (“HCA”). The three most important new elements are as follows.
The Czech Republic has been screening non-EU foreign investments under the Foreign Investment Screening Act (Act No. 34/2021 Coll., on the Screening of Foreign Investments “FISA”) since 2021.