Disclosure pursuant to Section 5 of the Austrian E-Commerce Act and Section 14 of the Austrian Commercial Code (Unternehmensgesetzbuch)
Company name: CERHA HEMPEL Rechtsanwälte GmbH
Legal Form: Limited liability company
Object of the company: Practising law, including the necessary ancillary activities, and managing the company's assets
Registered office / business address: Parkring 2 A-1010 Vienna, Tel: +43 1 514 35 0, Fax: +43 1 514 35 35, E-mail: office(at)cerhahempel.com
Commercial registration no.: FN 452529i
Commercial Court of Registration: Commercial Court of Vienna, UID-No.: ATU70888934
Responsible Chamber:Vienna Bar Association, www.rakwien.at
Persons vested with power of representation: Dr. Irene Welser, Dr. Volker Glas, Dr. Albert Birkner, Dr. Peter Vcelouch, Dr. Clemens Hasenauer, Dr. Johannes Aehrenthal, Dr. Peter Knobl, Mag. Georg Konrad, Dr. Thomas Zivny, MMAg. Johannes Prinz, Dr. Thomas Trettnak, Dr. Bernhard Kofler-Senoner, Dr. Hans Kristoferitsch, Mag. Heinrich Foglar-Deinhardstein, Dr. Benjamin Twardosz, Mag. Mark Krenn, Dr. Stefan Huber, LL.M., Dr. Michaela Siegwart, Dr. Anna-Wolf Posch, LL.M.
Applicable professional rules: Professional rules applicable to lawyers in Austria (RAO, RL-BA, etc.), available at www.oerak.at/gesetzestexte.
Disclaimer: Although this website was created with the greatest of care, we nevertheless do not accept any responsibility whatsoever for its content being correct, complete or up to date.
All links to third party websites are provided exclusively for convenience sake. Furthermore, CERHA HEMPEL does not accept any responsibility for the content of third party websites. The operators of such websites are solely responsible for their content.
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