Mag. Nadine Leitner has been an attorney at CHSH Cerha Hempel Spiegelfeld Hlawati since September 2018. She strengthens the CHSH Takeovers & Antitrust team headed by Managing Partner Dr. Albert Birkner. Her practice areas at CHSH include in particular mergers and acquisitions, company law, foundation law, and venture capital.
Mag. Leitner studied law at Johannes Kepler University in Linz (Mag. iur. 2013) and spent her entire time as an associate at CHSH. In keeping with her international orientation and outlook, she worked for the Foreign Trade Office of the Austrian Chamber of Commerce in New York and the New York branch of Raiffeisen International Bank prior to joining CHSH. Nadine Leitner is the author of numerous publications on her specialist subjects and is a member of the supervisory board of Mavoco AG, a software company specialising in the Internet of Things.
She has significant experience gained over many years of providing advice to both national and international clients in her areas of expertise.
Albert Birkner, Managing Partner at CHSH: "With the addition of Nadine Leitner, we continue to expand our extensive expertise in the areas of mergers and acquisitions, company law, foundation law, and venture capital. I'm particularly pleased that Nadine strengthens the team at CHSH as yet another 'home grown' attorney."