For the 4th edition of "BWG – Kommentierung des Bankwesengesetzes sowie der CRR" (Commentary on the Banking Act and the Capital Requirements Regulation) edited by Laurer/M.Schütz/Kammel/Ratka, CHSH Banking & Capital Markets partner Peter Knobl and CHSH attorney Andrea Harrich have authored several chapters that provide a commentary on Sections 31 to 37 and 60 to 63b of the Banking Act.
It is the only commentary which examines the provisions applicable in Austria to bank audits that was written after the Statutory Audit Law Amendment Act 2016 and the Professional Accountants and Tax Advisors' Act 2017 entered into force. It also takes into account the relevant provisions of the Securities Supervision Act 2018, the Stock Exchange Act 2018 and the "small supervisory reform" of the Banking Act, all of which enter into force from 3 January 2018. The commentary thus provides an up-to-date analysis of the provisions relating to the auditing of banks and those governing savings deposits and consumers in Austria.
Published by Manz, the commentary was named "2017 Commentary of the Year" at a special event attended by the authors of Manz publications (Nacht der Manz Autoren). Editor Prof. (FH) Dr. Armin Kammel, LL.M. (London) MBA (CLU): "We're extremely pleased Peter Knobl, a well-known practitioner in the field of banking and securities supervision law who is also an acclaimed author of academic publications, and Andrea Harrich, a recognised specialist in banking contract and payment services law, took up the challenge; their contribution is a unique selling point for the commentary".
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