Business Circle held the 27th Annual Forum for Law and Tax in Rust, with CERHA HEMPEL Managing Partner Dr. Clemens Hasenauer, LL.M./MBA responsible for the overall program. For the first time, there was a "NEXTGen" Focus Day for the next generation of talented young professionals. The closing session focused on "Artificial Intelligence".
Now in its 27th year, "RuSt Klassik" (12-13 October 2023) broke new ground and became the largest and most important meeting place for corporate law in Austria for the next generation of lawyers by integrating the Corporate Lawyers Circle (Unternehmensjuristen-Circle) and by launching RuSt "NEXTGen" on 11 October.
For the sixth time, CERHA HEMPEL Managing Partner Dr. Clemens Hasenauer, LL.M./MBA was responsible for the overall program at RuSt. It brings together leading experts from academia, various government ministries, corporations, as well as law and tax firms to provide first-hand information on the latest legal developments. The range of disciplines and the wealth of in-depth information are the hallmarks of RuSt.
The closing session highlighted the hot topic of "Artificial Intelligence". Moderated by Dr. Clemens Hasenauer, LL.M./MBA, a panel consisting of Univ. Prof. Dr. Nikolaus Forgó (University of Vienna), Dr. Jeanette Gorzala (jogo legal, European AI Forum) and Univ. Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Zankl (University of Vienna) discussed the rapid development of technologies in the field of AI and the resulting ethical, social, political and also legal issues.
The day before, the NEXTGen Focus Day, which was co-hosted by CERHA HEMPEL, was held for the first time. The NEXTGen Focus Day is aimed at the next generation and is intended to be the new meeting place for future change makers in the Austrian legal industry. The focus was on exciting topics such as leadership, digitalization, legal and management skills, career development, project management, change management and hot legal topics.
CERHA HEMPEL was represented at the NEXTGen Focus Day by a number of junior professionals. CERHA HEMPEL partner Mag. Lorenz Pracht, LL.M. moderated a panel on "Understanding Gen Z and how to make legal work generation-friendly" and discussed this topic with company representatives from AT&S, neoom and refurbed. CERHA HEMPEL Senior Associate Alina Alavi Kia ran a deep-dive workshop examining the "Potentials of Legal Tech" together with a representative from A1.